Happy Children Learn
Looking after our mental health and wellbeing is vital for children and adults alike and is central to our values at Trinity School.
In our weekly PSHE Jigsaw sessions we teach children a range of ‘calm me’ strategies with the intention of providing them with a tool kit for when they need it. These strategies can be accessed and practiced at home by clicking on the buttons further down the page.
Mental Health
At Trinity Primary School, Ms Hamon is the Mental Health Lead who, along with the Inclusion Team, oversees the Mental Health and Wellbeing support for the school. At Trinity we are excited to have launched a new programme to supplement our PSHE and wellbeing offer in the spring term called ‘MyHappyMind’, which is a programme ‘for teachers, parents and children to ‘help prepare today’s children for tomorrow’s world by building resilient, balanced and happy minds at home, nursery and school.’
Please click here for the Parent Newsletter.
For further information, please see the website on this link: Home - myHappymind
Zones of Regulation
At Trinity we use the Zones of Regulation concepts across the school from nursery to year 6 which is a self-regulation programme that teaches children to recognise how they are feeling and identify strategies in which they could use to self-regulate. Please see the Zones of Regulation page on the school website for further information: Trinity Primary School - Zones of Regulation
For groups and individuals that may require some additional wellbeing support, programmes and bespoke support are available depending upon need such as ELSA, Hamish and Milo, Wellbeing check ins, Drawing and Talking as well as referrals to support services that can help children and families.
Decider Skills
Throughout weekly assemblies, Mrs Sleath teaches Key Stage 1 and 2 selected Decider Skills across the year, which are strategies that they can use to support their own wellbeing. During the summer term, year 6 are taught more intensive lessons learning the Decider Skills.
The Decider Life skills for proactive mental health | The Decider
Jigsaw Families
We offer a 6-week Jigsaw Families programme which is a lovely set of weekly sessions that are completed alongside your child. These sessions are available to everyone and would benefit all families.
The structure of the sessions is that the children and parents together, led by our Family Engagement Worker, participate in a warm-up game and a calm activity. After this, we read a story together which forms the theme of the session. The children then go with another member of staff to complete their activity focussed upon the theme of the story and the parents stay with the Family Engagement Worker, looking through the psychology behind the theme of the story and sharing experiences and ideas in a non-judgemental, safe environment. The children return and share their activity with their parents and the ‘Family Pairs' then have something to work on over the week together, along with their Jonty Junior teddy character which they get to take home! We have had some really positive feedback from families around these sessions.
The themes of the sessions are:
1. Belonging and feeling special
2. Choices and consequences
3. Words create pictures
4. Recap & healthy change
5. Attachment
6. Coping with change
If you are interested in taking part, please contact the school office to ask when the next programme will be running.
Additional support for individuals and groups
Class teachers may, after observing presentation in school or from talking with children and/or families, make a referral to the inclusion team in school about a child whom they feel may need some additional wellbeing support. Below are some examples of what is on offer at Trinity Primary School to support small groups and individuals. If you would like to talk any of these through for your child, please in the first instance speak to your child’s class teacher.
ELSA – Emotional Literacy Support Assistant
What is ELSA Intervention? - Elsa Support
At Trinity School, we have three trained ELSAs in school who work with individuals across the year groups. There are a variety of reasons that a child may benefit from accessing ELSA sessions, such as friendships, loss and bereavement, conflict, social skills, self-esteem, growth mindset, managing strong feelings, bullying, relationships or emotional literacy for example. Typically, these would be 6 x 30minute sessions spread over a number of weeks.
Please click here on the parent leaflet for more information.
Drawing and Talking
Sometimes, drawing thoughts and ideas can help with processing emotions and events. This is a non-direct technique which can suit some children, where they draw pictures and the conversation is all centred around the drawing. There are a number of teaching assistants that are trained in Drawing and Talking across the school. This is a 12 x weekly session that a trained member of staff would complete one to one with a pupil.
For more information, please see the website here: Drawing and Talking - Home page
Hamish and Milo
Sometimes, working in a small group of children can be supportive. The Hamish and Milo resources are used to support with this, much like with the ELSA there are a variety of different themes. Some of those themes are:
Actions, Words and Me, Celebrating Me, Resilient Me, Calm Me, Finding Me, My Friends and Me, Exploding Me as well as others.
These resources can be used to support small groups or individuals and explore the themes through craft activities and talking. For more information on the themes please see this link:
SEMH intervention programmes - Wellbeing Resources & Emotions curriculum | Hamish & Milo
Wellbeing Check-ins
For some children, a regular 10/15minute check in with a member of staff can be supportive. This can be arranged depending on need and situation and can be a good way of ensuring that the child is continuing to share, thrive and use any strategies that are in place for them.
Referring to outside of school support
For some children, it may be supportive to refer to support services outside of Trinity Primary School, whether that be through other services from within CYPES, health or charities. Please talk to your child’s class teacher or Mrs Sleath about these options.
Some of the services we also work with are:
MIND Jersey
Our Wellbeing Facilitator from the CYPES Inclusion Team
The Children and Families Hub has a wealth of information and signposting to support. You can telephone them on Tel: 01534 519000 or look on the website on the link below:
Some on-line resource clips for relaxation and mindfulness:
Be the pond
Mindfulness breathing for children
Mindful minute
Mindfulness is a superpower
How mindfulness empowers us
Loving kindness for kids
Breathing and stretch
Comic kids yoga stories https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=you+tube+cosmic+kids+yoga&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-gb&client=safari
Pokemon cosmic kids yoga story https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=tbCjkPlsaes
Spider power yoga
Jamie’s power breaks https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=lx08FrWBp0g
Superpower listening https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=jJ9zpRAPIuI
Some on-line stories:
Have you filled a bucket today
Only one you
It’s ok to be different https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=HoEcLhzAn78
Be who you are
The wonderful things you will be
How full is your bucket
Kindness song
The dot
I am peace