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Core Curriculum

The curriculum is all the planned activities that are organised progressively and in order to promote learning, growth and development. It includes the statutory Jersey Curriculum 2014. We ensure that we provide a broad and balanced curriculum alongside a high focus on teaching skills and a secure knowledge for English and Maths. We also provide experiences to enrich the curriculum. We teach children how to grow into positive, responsible people who can work, co-operate with others whilst developing knowledge and skills so that they achieve their true potential. We want all out children to experience success and enjoy their learning whilst at school. We want to provide exciting learning opportunities which inspire, motivate and challenge.

In our curriculum we have ensured that children are presented with opportunities to reflect on their learning, this is central to the whole learning process. Within mathematics and English reflection opportunities are given regularly, in topic work it is suggested that reflection is seen as a concluding part of the prime learning challenge, although it is hoped that that there will be continual opportunities for learners to reflect throughout. In history and geography (topic) work more challenging questions are asked with the idea that learners present their learning back to the rest of the class or another appropriate audience making the most of their oracy and ICT skills to do so. Initially, learners may require a great deal of direction so the reflection time may need to be presented in the form of a question which helps them to review their work.

Below are the Long Term Plans to ensure correct curriculum coverage in each subject.  From these teachers are expected to complete medium term plans for each subject.

Geography Long Term Plan

English Long Term Plan

Maths Long Term Plan

Science Long Term Plan

Computing Long Term Plan

History Long Term Plan

RE Long Term Plan