Pupil Voice
At Trinity School we strongly believe in all of our school community having the opportunity to be involved in school decision making and school improvement. We have a strong pupil voice through our Trinity Action Groups (TAG).
The groups meet each half term and have their own action plan with whole school projects to work on.
When asked what they would like to say about the strengths of our school for the website, the digital leaders wrote:
‘Trinity School is a great place to learn. We are taught to have a growth mind-set and we respect each other’s rights. We have a lovely new school with equipment and gadgets to help us with our learning. The new library has so many interesting books and we love the bigger hall with more space for PE and assemblies. Our school has a breakfast club and after school club which is fun and helpful to our parents so they don’t have to rush! At Trinity school we love to learn outside. We can go on the terrace, the field and the nature garden. We even have our own nature walk. We learn lots about friendship and are a bully free school’.
Trinity Comms - We are looking at all the ways we communicate with parents. The children will write the TAG part of the newsletter and the website. We will also look at Facebook/social media and see if we can include other new ways of communicating!
What is important about our TAG group:
Hattie said “we update the website and it is fun”
Ronan said “we send out the newsletters”
Rose said “we report on the other TAG groups and what has been going on in other classes”
Olivia said “it is important as it helps parents to understand what the children are doing in school”
Florence said “it helps me to understand what other TAG groups do and trying to think of new ideas to make our school better and different”
OPAL Playground Development – our aim for playground TAG this year is to help keep our playgrounds safe, fun, tidy and organised. To promote friendly play, to think and deliver exciting new playground games for everyone to enjoy.
They were making the playground more fun whilst ensuring it is safe. They are focusing on having different things to play with (not just football!).
School Council – In School Council, the group discusses and make decisions about how to improve the whole school. Members are responsible for listening to ideas or concerns from the children in their class and will feed these back in the TAG sessions for discussion. Some children from the group will represent the school at whole island School council meetings. Sometimes, there will be matters to discuss and important jobs from Mrs McMahon!
Olivia and Eric interviewed some children on the School Council – they said:
“we improve things around the school and help pupils have voices”
“they enjoy mixing with the other year groups”
“they get to know what the other year groups would like to improve”
Olivia thinks that having a school council is good for getting other children’s view points.
Inclusion – We continue to work towards gaining a certificate for our school that will recognise all of our great work in inclusion and diversity. We will talk about it, gather evidence from around the school and do activities that will help our whole school value every single person and group.
Some children interviewed Hugo and he said “the Inclusion TAG is all about diversity, that everybody is different and it helps people to understand what it is like to be another person”
“the inclusion TAG is good because it helps people to think about how disabilities would affect other people and how lucky we are to be different”
Talk Detective – This TAG will be looking at Oracy in our school and training up talk detectives from each class to help support their classmates and teachers.
Some children interviewed Breizh she said “the Talk Detectives is about learning how oracy skills can help us and they were making posters for Library rules as some children were shouting in the Library. They are helping the school move forward by introducing talking partners and learning trios which helps us to understand our learning more because we can work together and discuss ideas”.
E-Safety - In the e-safety group we are building an awareness of e-safety issues and helping to make everyone else aware.
Ronan, Arcadia, Hattie and Callum interviewed Jude, Arran and Casey they said “their TAG group is about being safe online, they like being in their TAG group, at the moment they are making posters about how to be safe online.”
Book Worms - The Trinity Book Worms are responsible for whole school reading spaces (including the playground) and planning reading dens and book nooks in classrooms. We will also create reading displays around the school.
Rose and Lexie interviewed Brian and Annalise, they said they were designing a poster for World Book Day and they are also improving the Library with new books and making book reports. They are planning for activities for World Book Day and they are making the library a more inviting place to read.
Book Worms makes school a better place by encouraging children to do more reading.
ASC - Another new TAG that will ensure your voices are heard for After School Club activities.
Olivia and Eric interviewed the children in ASC. Lots of the children enjoy ASC more now because of the improvements that the TAG group have made. The improvements include the Sensory Garden, the new Nursery ASC and new ideas for clubs and activities.
ECO - If you are interested in helping to save the planet and making Trinity School even more eco-friendly, then this is for you. We need your ideas and suggestions to ensure that we all ‘do our bit’ to reduce waste and conserve energy.
Some children interviewed Seren – she talked about how the ECO TAG is all about change and how we can stop climate change by being more ECO friendly. The ECO TAG helps Trinity School by talking about substantiality and how we can reuse instead of throwing things away.
Language Friendly Schools - We are learning about the different languages spoken by children in our school. We learn some words and phrases in different languages as well as songs. We learn about the cultures where these different languages are spoken and maybe even try some of their foods.
Learning about different countries and they get to try international snacks. It helps students learn about other languages and nationalities and helps us see how diverse the world is. They have been making information leaflets and will be leaving them in the school office for visitors to see.
Health and Safety - The Safety team is a very important group – it will ensure that the school is safe for us to be in.
They were taking pictures of the nature garden and fixed the hazards. Their goal is to make the school safer so that nobody gets hurt. They really enjoy their TAG group.
Well Being
In the Wellbeing TAG we will be looking at a range of resources/ideas/activities that we could implement in school to enhance everyone's wellbeing, including monitoring Zones of Regulation areas and toolkits. We will also be thinking about how we can continue to improve our playtimes and outdoor areas to ensure everyone can express themselves.